Monday, January 9, 2023

The most beautiful time of the year!


    The winds have begun to whisper that means Christmas season is nearly approaching and that it will soon be Christmas. It won't be long before the season of giving arrives. Every home and public places has already begun to display Christmas decorations. Soon it will be the season of giving and receiving. 

    Since the epidemic began over 3 years ago, we have experienced two Christmas seasons amid this disaster. We can notice many Christmas decorations distributed over the city's central area. In order for us to enjoy the location of our attractions even more, tourist attractions also put Christmas decorations. Before December 25th, city streets are crowded with cars and shoppers looking to buy presents for their loved ones. People are flooding supermarkets and grocery stores to shop and buy goods for their Noche Buena. We frequently play Christmas-themed music in our speakers because the locals here enjoy it so much. 

    Even though I had a bad memory on Christmas Day, this is the time of year that I have been eagerly anticipating each year. It was 2019, and I remember spending my Christmas with a coffin in the house, we didn’t even have the chance to spend Christmas with my Lolo for the last time and it was the most painful Christmas I’ve ever had. However, the holiday season signals the completion of our family. Spending time with my brothers and our cousins simply felt different. When it's not Christmas, it's just my brother and I, and because of our large age gap, I don't really feel at comfortable talking with him. So, I was especially happy when my two siblings returned home. Christmas party at school is one of my favorite holiday traditions. 

    Being in my final year of junior high, I had a great time because we hadn't been able to celebrate the past two years due to the pandemic. It was one of the memorable events I will surely remember. Additionally, I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to travel to Baguio with my family, which is something I had always wanted to do. On the eve of Christmas, my entire family and I had dinner together, followed by going to church for the Christmas mass, and after that we played games and ate Notche Buena at home, I also enjoy singing karaoke with my cousins.

    During this season, our tradition and culture truly come together. COVID-19 may close our doors in doing the original Christmas gala we used to be. Holiday season can really bring joy and happiness to our lives. Although the last two years may have been different, the love and happiness we feel each year is still present. We should take use of this opportunity to cherish, love, and truly connect with our family. There are no worries about a possible Covid transmission that may lessen the family's happiness and celebration on this day. God is with us , has always been with us, and will always be with us despite all of the chaos and fear that the pandemic has brought and is still bringing. Being with one’s family on Christmas, we reflect with faith, hope, and love with Christ’s presence in us, we can all overcome this crisis together.  
This pandemic taught us that as long as you have the Christmas spirit inside of you, nothing matters. Never forget that the actual meaning of Christmas is simplicity combined with hope, peace, love, and joy! Christmas will always be Christmas, pandemic or not!.


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