Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Adiós, 3rd Quarter


     It feels unreal that another quarter of this school year has already finished; indeed, time does fly so fast. Another chapter of this school year has already come to an end. Looking back at this quarter, I remember the hardships and challenges I had to go through to do all the school works and activities. I felt like this third quarter is more exhausting than before, and I'm not going to say it was simple or enjoyable because it was a lot of effortDespite these circumstances, I am still thankful because they helped me to learn and grow. Furthermore, this quarter has also taught me a lot of things, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to learn new things and broaden my knowledge.   

    Throughout the third quarter, we learned about community-based research, which we had never heard of before, yet it is quite similar to what we are learning in our Research subject. The only difference between these two is that there were only a few parts in making community-based research compared to what we are doing in Research subject, which is wider and more complex. Nevertheless, the topic has taught me to work well with the people in my community and has helped me to discover more about certain aspects of our town.  

    We all know that every community has differences and similarities, so learning and expanding knowledge about your community is significantly important. Then, I realized how grateful I was to have learned how to create my community-based project. Although I have faced minor challenges , I can say that this allows me to become more connected to and involved in my own community.

    Moving forward, I will apply the knowledge I have received from this quarter to succeed in the upcoming quarters and accomplish more in life. This quarter has helped me learn more about the internet and composing written works.  And despite the difficulties I had, I was able to pick up lessons that are quite helpful in our daily lives. It will be difficult, but I know that it will help me become a better version of myself, so I will keep trying to do better. After the last week of the third quarter, the last quarter of this school year will begin. I am eagerly looking forward to learning more in this subject and spending my remaining time as a junior high school student discovering more topics on this subject. Looking forward to what the fourth and last quarter has to offer to us, and I believe I learned a lot during this quarter.


  1. Congrats for completing the third quarter, Diane! Let's keep it up and work harder next time.

  2. Almost there Diane! Let's continue learning, striving and creating fun memories, together! <3

  3. You did well, loves! So proud of you!

  4. I'm glad that you learned a lot in the third quarter Diane!

  5. you did well, baby ! good luck to the next quarter !

  6. You did a great job, Diane! Proud of you always!<3

  7. You did well, Diane. Goodluck for the next quarter!

  8. Congrats for completing this quarter! You did well! Good Job!

  9. Kayanin natin ito at huwag susuko!

  10. Congrats for surviving another quarter and goodluck for the next quarter! Proud of you!

  11. Congratulations on making it through another quarter and best of luck in the upcoming one! Excited for you!

  12. Keep up your hard work and never get caught in distractions. I know you did well, and I wish you a successful quarter as this S.Y ends. Goodluck Diane!

  13. You did a great job! Keep it up and always do your best!

  14. I am happy that u learned so much this quarter, may the ongoing 4th quarter be filled with much happiness and contentment.

  15. you did a great job! one last chapter to go

  16. Congrats for completing the third quarter!

  17. You did great this quarter, and i know you will do better next quarter!

  18. Congrats for surviving another quarter!


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