Saturday, April 22, 2023

Together We Celebrate!


     High School Day or Foundation Day is probably one of the most waited and exciting part of being a student. After two years, Ilocos Sur National High School celebrates their 121st High School Day Celebration last March 25, 2023, with the theme of “Renewed Commitment in Defying Odds to Transcend Heights of Excellence and Solidarity”. 

     There was also an intermission number of the selected Grade 10 students, followed by an inspirational message of Dr. Vida Margarette Andal-Bueno, the Outstanding Alumna. After the messages, there was an awarding of Plaque of Recognition to the Guest Speaker, and followed by another intermission number from teacher's choir. After that, there was also awarding of outstanding teachers, employees and retirees. And before the end of the program The assistant principal, Mr. Rommel R. Rabo, gave his words of gratitude, followed by the closing song to finally end the first part of the celebration.

      The part two of the event is the field demonstration at 1pm which includes calisthenics and festival dances performed by the selected students of different grade levels. The FEC Officers conducted traditional games for teachers and there was also booth like photo booth prepared by the SSG officers. 

    In conclusion, ISNHS’s 121st High School Day Celebration was one of the highlights for the school. It is not only to give recognition to the school but also for students to take a break from the stress because of the school works and activities. Indeed, high school day celebration is one of the most wonderful part of being a student.


  1. I'm so delighted that there are commemoration of Highschool day this s.y. Truly, the celebration is so amazing and colorful.<3


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