Saturday, April 15, 2023

Purple Season

    Lent, also known as kwaresma in Filipino, is the season during which Filipinos remember Christ's passion, suffering, death, and resurrection. It is a meaningful season to any Filipino. Aside from it’s the season where people have their break and spend time with their respective families, this is also the time that Filipinos repent their sins. Filipinos are known to be prayerful and this shows on their way of celebrating the lent. They celebrate it with full of passion and even though that the Church don’t agree with some practices like the reenactment of the flagellant to Jesus Christ sufferings and his crucifixion, the church could not do anything about it because it is part of Filipino’s culture.

    During the Lenten season, Filipino Catholics engage in various traditional practices. The first day of Lent is Ash Wednesday. Ashes are traditionally placed on the forehead of Catholics as a sign of interior repentance. Fasting and abstinence are fundamental Catholic practices; some Catholics eat only one meal per day, while others abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all lent Fridays. Senakulo is a traditional play depicting Jesus Christ's suffering and death, which is performed in provinces such as Marinduque. The practice of visiting seven churches and reciting the Stations of the Cross is known as Visita Iglesia. On Maundy Thursday or Good Friday, it is customarily performed.

    In practicing fasting and abstinence, we sacrifice much which helps us grow in freedom to make much bigger sacrifices. Part of this could be giving up some material or worldly resources and treasures for the benefit of the people who are most affected by this pandemic. We give up something or deprive ourselves of something so that others can have it. We become selfless and mindful of others, we extend charity and generosity to others even though we also are affected and still struggling and coping with the economic and financial problems brought by this pandemic.  It’s a sacrifice for others and God. It is an act of love for others and God.

    Every event in the Philippines is made more enjoyable and imaginative by the country's rich culture and tradition. Fasting and abstinence is an act of penance to create spiritual hunger and the avoidance of sin. As an act of repentance and contrition at this time of the pandemic, we implore the presence of the Lord through prayer. It is our personal conversation with Him, a powerful tool to create miracles, to make things right and better in our lives. It leads us to a life of holiness towards God. We must never forget that Lent is more than a religious tradition; it is a time to recall and reflect on Jesus Christ's suffering, death, and resurrection for us.

    Lent is a season that reminds us of Jesus Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection. It is an opportunity to repent our misdeeds and misgivings, and to increase the intensity of our prayer, fasting, almsgiving, the practice of our faith, and welcoming others as our brothers and sisters in our faith community. It is God’s way of reminding us how He himself sacrificed His only begotten son to redeem mankind’s sins. It’s God’s and Jesus’ way of knocking in our hearts to give back for others selflessly and unconditionally.


1 comment:

  1. God Bless you! It is a good doing to attend the mass and make time for the Lord.


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