Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Letter to the President

Dear Mr. President,

    Hello Mr. President , I’m April Diane Fronda, a Grade 10 Student of Ilocos Sur National High School. It’s my pleasure to send you a letter to inform you and to express my thoughts about your administration.

    It has been a months since you were elected as our country's president. If you genuinely and deeply want to unite our country, then you know deep in your heart what needs to happen. To truly bring this country together, you are aware of the ultimate sacrifice you must make.

    I heard  that one of your father’s dying wish was to finally reconcile with the Filipino people. I truly wish it were true. And if it were true, now is the time to make your father proud. Please change our nation’s future. Make it right with your children, and every Filipino’s children. I do hope that you can change our future.

                                                                   Sincerely yours,

                                                                April Diane Fronda

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  1. So true! I also want Mr. Bongbong Marcos to do his job well. I hope he can make this country better despite of a lot of criticism.

  2. A united country is what we really crave! I hope that he will do his job well.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you for having compassion about our country. You are a genuine Filipino.

  5. We really do hope for change. Please suggest ways on how to improve our country for it is one of the requirements of this blog, good job though.


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