Wednesday, September 28, 2022

At a Distance

    The Covid-19 pandemic started in 2020 and this hardly affects in many ways, including our education. Due to the virus, students stopped attending school, but in order for us to continue learning, the concept of modular distant learning was developed. But this has brought us with a lot of obstacles and problems that probably have an impact on our potential.

     Many difficulties were experienced during the modular distance learning. For instance, I had trouble understanding the lessons, even though the teachers virtually discussed them on Google Meeting. It just felt different since I might understand it better if it were explained to me in person. Those ten months of answering modules and Google meet-up, school have been tough, demanding, and incredibly interesting all at the same time. I won't say it was easy or enjoyable because it took a lot of effort. However, I was able to learn a lot because of my diligence and dedication.  

     The emotions I've experienced this distance learning are unlike anything I've experienced in the face to face classes. I was under a lot of stress because there were so many task and assignments to finish, and sometimes the tasks were not things I was good at. Reading the number of tasks for each topic makes me depressed and anxious, but despite the stress, I persisted. Even though I can’t understand some of the tasks, I overcame my anxieties and gave each one my all. Despite my struggles and difficult days, I know that I gave it my all, therefore I can claim that I did well. 

      However, with the support of my family and friends, I am able to overcome these obstacles. This modular distance learning has taught me a lot. I'll use the knowledge I've gained to achieve my goals in life. So always remember that we shouldn't pressure ourselves to much. Because making and remembering memories with family and friends is what life is all about.

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1 comment:

  1. The COVID-19 pandemic has indeed changed our lives. I'm glad that despite the difficulties it brought, you did well, Diane.


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