Thursday, November 24, 2022

The Hope for a Better Future

Children's Month

    Under the law RA No. 10661, the Philippines celebrates National Children's Month every November, with the current national theme “Kalusugan, kaisipan, at kapakanan ng bawat bata ating tutukan!”,  Giving Filipino children access to a healthy environment, a quality education, and healthcare is the goal of this month-long celebration. The majority of families in this nation struggle financially, and the children are the ones who suffer the most. This month's focus is on the ways in which we may support and assist them and to raise awareness of its relevance among Filipinos and to support and defend the rights of children 

    Millions of children also suffer from assault, harassment, exploitation, and abuse, these frequently happen in home, school, and even community settings. These kinds of situations are frequently disregarded, depriving children of their constitutional right to be safe from harm. The purpose of celebrating Children's Month is to raise awareness of the sufferings of children worldwide.

    The month-long celebration aims to instill in the Filipino consciousness as well as sustain the promotion and protection of children’s rights. An adult has a duty to look out for and properly care for the children. The occasion serves as a reminder that young people should be appreciated and that efforts should be made to improve the world for them. Dr. Jose Rizal, famously declared that young are the country's future, that raising children is essential to improving the next generation.

picture reference:

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

One Step Forward

 One Down!

     The first quarter of the academic year just ended, and a lot of things happened.    Really, time goes by so quickly, I had a wonderful time doing it, and I also learnt a lot throughout this quarter. And there were times when I needed to exert extra effort in order to be productive and fully comprehend the lessons.  

     I consult my peers and elders for their ideas and insights on our subject as I attempt to overcome these obstacles. I also search the internet for inspiration to complete the assignments. In addition, I used the stock knowledge I had acquired throughout my previous academic years. But regardless of these challenges, I’m grateful that I have my classmates and teachers who have helped me throughout this quarter. This quarter taught me to take my time and feel no pressure.

     Moving forward, I will apply the knowledge I have received from this quarter to succeed in the upcoming quarters and accomplish more in life. I'll continue to do better and be encouraged to study.  , I gained a lot of knowledge from this quarter and am eager to continue learning. And despite the difficulties I had, I was able to pick up lessons that are quite helpful in our daily lives. It will be difficult, but I know that it will help me become a better version of myself, so I will keep trying to do better. And I believe I learned a lot during this quarter.

Be One With Nature


Save Our Environment

     Environment is a place where humans as well as plants and animals live. An unclean environment contributes to social problems, the emergence of diseases, and other environmental issues.

     Since every household produces waste, there are many things we can do to keep our surroundings clean. We should try to avoid just dumping the waste anywhere. Our ecology is polluted by garbage, particularly plastic bags, so instead of using those, we must practice environmental responsibility by using recyclable bags like paper or jute bags.

     One of the most important sources of life on earth are trees. Without the trees, our surroundings would not have been as lovely to live in.

     The only way to preserve a green environment and to make our surroundings beautiful is planting trees and other plants. Having plants around can help clean the air and reduce pollution.

     As human beings we have a duty to protect our nature for ourselves and for future generations.


Scavenger Hunt




Activity 1:

Mining the Internet: Laying the Foundation of Knowledge Based Society





Value: Sources

/Author / Date



Search Engine

Search Term

1. Sometime in 1991, a chief scientist at the NIIT named _________ started an experiment hole in a wall.


Answer: Prof. Sugata Mitra

© Hole-in-the-Wall Education Limited 2015

Dr. Sugata Mitra, Hole in the wall/

1991, a chief scientist at the NIIT

2.  What does NIIT stand for?


Answer:National Institute of Information Technology

© 1988-2022, Acronym Finder, All Rights Reserved

Dr. Sugata Mitra, Hole in the wall/

What does NIIT stand for?

3. It was first implemented at a slum area in _______ ,New Delhi



© Hole-in-the-Wall Education Limited 2015

Dr. Sugata Mitra, Hole in the wall

1991, a chief scientist at the NIIT

4. His team carved a hole in the wall that separated NIIT campuses from the slum areas. Why did they carve a hole in the hall?


Answer: Through this hole, a freely accessible computer was put up for use.

© Hole-in-the-Wall Education Limited 2015

Dr. Sugata Mitra, Hole in the wall

1991, a chief scientist at the NIIT

5. What was the significant finding of the experiment?


Answer: the children learnt to use the computer on their own

© Hole-in-the-Wall Education Limited 2015

Dr. Sugata Mitra, Hole in the wall

1991, a chief scientist at the NIIT

6. What were the two

headlines in New York

Times on the influenza

epidemic in 1918 1919.


Answer: Drastic Steps to Fight Influenza (havoc caused by German U-boats to the immense final Allied offensive.)

© 2022 The New York Times Company

The new York times, 1918



headlines in New York


Times on the influenza


epidemic in 1918 1919.

7. ______ Severe environmental

imbalance can induce

polyps to expel their

algae and loose their

color. This process is

known as _________. Will this phenomenon affect the growth of fish stocks

Answer: Thunderstorm


E. Philip Krider.

home to moving air currents, clouds, storms and other weather


disturbances and



8. How does global warning

affect polar bears?


Answer: causing the ice that polar bears depend on to melt away.,ice%20to%20raise%20their%20young.

WWF-UK is a registered charity in England and Wales 1081247 and in Scotland SC039593 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 4016725.


How does global warning


affect polar bears?

9. Coral reefs are built by colonies of coral polyps


Answer: as they secrete layers of calcium carbonate beneath their bodies.bodies.,whips%2C%20do%20not%20produce%20reefs.

© 2022 Coral Reef Allianc

Great Star Coral at night, Grand Cayman. Photo by Ellen Cuylaerts / Ocean Image Bank.Coral Reef Alliance

Coral reefs are built by colonies of coral polyps

10. Severe environmental

imbalance can induce

polyps to expel their

algae and loose their

color. This process is

known as _________. Will this phenomenon affect the growth of fish stocks?


Answer: Coral Bleaching. Yes,the%20coral%20to%20turn%20white.

Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

page was last edited on 21 October 2022. Wikipedia



imbalance can induce


polyps to expel their


algae and loose their



11. What according to

scientist was the cause of the worst and biggest

catastrophic mass

mortality of coral reefs in the Pacific and the Indian Ocean. When did this happen?


Answer: Mass coral bleaching. Early 1980s.

© 2022 Frontiers Media S.A. All rights reserved

O Hoegh-Guldberg ·2017. Frontiers

cause of the worst and biggest


catastrophic mass


mortality of coral reefs in the Pacific and the Indian Ocean.

12. Compare the shape of the population pyramid of Singapore and Philippines in 2050?


Answer: singapores pyramid is in mirroring form while Philippines is in








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Copyright © 31/10/2022 Alamy Ltd. All rights reserved



Adrian N. S. Badana.2016. Central Intelligence Agency Research Gate.






Danvis Collection.2018. Alamy Stock Photo



Shape of the population pyramid of Philippines






Shape of the population pyramid of Singapore







Another roller coaster ride has finally come to an end

         The end of this school year is just around the corner, and it still feels unreal that we are about to survive four quarters or ten ...